320 West 108th Street

320 West 108th Street

Date: 1898-99

NB Number: NB 807-1898

Borough of Manhattan Tax Map Information: Block 1892, Lot 58

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Janes & Leo

Developer/Owner/Builder: Joseph A. Farley

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive– West End Historic District Extension II

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick and Limestone

Stories: 5

Historic District: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II

Decorative Metal Work: Stoop handrail; second-story iron balconette

Significant Architectural Features: Four-story, full-width rounded bay; limestone base separated from red-brick upper stories with a Greek-key beltcourse; low stoop with bluestone steps and metal handrails leads to central entrance (since moved to side bay); entrance enframement features Ionic columns, Doric pilasters, and molded cornice with entablature; second-story iron balconette; second-story window openings feature full limestone enframements with modillioned lintels, third story has molded lintels and stone sills, fourth story has a beltcourse sill and modillioned cornice above window openings, fifth-story has radiating brick lintels with limestone keystones; historic wood six-over-six double-hung windows at fourth and fifth stories; simple molded cornice with denticulated brickwork

Alterations: Ground floor reconfigured, entrance moved from central to left bay, secondary entrance in right bay converted to window; several through-wall air conditioners; balustrade above oriel cornice removed

Building Notes: Built as part of a row of four houses at 316 to 322 West 108th Street; historic image of row appears in the Real Estate Record and Guide 64:335 (September 2, 1899)

North Facade: Designed (historic, ground floor painted)

Stoop: Original

Door(s): Replaced primary door

Windows: Mixed

Security Grilles: Not historic (upper stories)

Cornice: Original

Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete

Curb Material(s): Granite

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