316-320 West 89th Street
316-320 West 89th Street
NB Number:Â NB 327-1921
Type: Â Apartment Building
Architect: Â Pelham, George F.
Developer/Owner/Builder:Â West 89th Street Realty Corporation
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report:Riverside Drive- West End Historic District
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Neo-Renaissance
Primary Facade: Â Â Brick
Stories:Â 9
Window Type/Material:Â See detail
Structure: This nine story apartment building is located on the south side of West 89th Street approximately 220 feet from West End Avenue, extending sixty-two feet along the street. The building is faced with red and black brick laid in Flemish bond with a limestone base and trim.
West 89th Street Facade: This facade is articulated by four major horizontal divisions. A wide central pier divides the facade into two major bays, each with three rectangular window openings. In each group, paired windows flank a narrow single window. The one-story limestone-faced rusticated base rests on a low water table and rises to the second-story sill line where larger windows rest on blind stone balustrades. The entrance is placed just to the east-of the center of this facade. A simple stone surround with a flat entablature frames the opening. A service entry is located at the western end of the facade, thus the western ground story bays do not align with those above. The second and third stories are separated from the stories above by a simple stringcourse and larger openings at these stories have simple stone surrounds. This section is further articulated by brick quoins. The one story top division is defined by a simple stringcourse above and a more elaborate stringcourse below. The building has a simple parapet with raised panels and no cornice.
Western Elevation: The western elevation is partially visible from West 89th Street. The facade brick returns to the adjacent rowhouse and the remainder of the elevation is faced in beige brick. Three windows are visible. There is no significant architectural detailing on this elevation.
Eastern Elevation: The eastern elevation is partially visible from West 89th Street. The brick of the facade returns on this elevation to the adjacent rowhouse, and beige brick is found beyond. The window arrangement is similar to that of the western elevation. There is no significant architectural detailing on this elevation. Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD
Alterations:Â Â All of the windows have one-over-one double hung aluminum sash replacing the original wood-framed four-over-four sash. The entrance has recent multi pane wood and glass double doors with a fixed transom and flanking light fixtures.
History: This apartment building was erected in 1921-22 for the West 89th Street Realty Corporation (Victor Gerabone, president), according to the design of prolific architect George F. Pelham. The site was previously occupied by three rowhouses. Selected References: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, H 2370. New York Public Library, Photographic Views of New York City 1870’s-1970’s from the Collections of the New York Public Library (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1981), microfiche nos. 0619-E5.