314 West 78th Street

314 West 78th Street


Date: 1894-95

NB Number: NB 620-94

Block: 1186

Lot: 39

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Pelham, George F.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Robert Wallace

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: West End – Collegiate Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, Brownstone, orange-brown roman brick, and Roman Brick

Stories: 4 with basement and attic

Elements: Four-story rowhouse with basement and attic; projecting brownstone basement and first floor, brownstone attic floor, orange-brown Roman brick facing with brownstone trim elsewhere; one-over-one wood windows; curved brownstone stoop with balustraded front stoopwall; double-leaf, wood and plate glass entry door; balustrade above first floor; angled bay at second floor; molded window enframements at third and fourth floors with molded sillcourse at third floor and sillcourse with fret motif at fourth floor; bulls-eye windows with hinged, circular sash and wreath enframements at attic level; cornice with dentils and modillions.

Historic District: West End - Collegiate HD

Alterations: Air conditioner installed through facade wall at first floor; cement surface applied to main landing of stoop; onestoop baluster removed; protruding wrought-iron window grille installed at first floor; early period entry lamp added.

History: Built as one of a row of six houses (Nos. 310-320). As designed, No. 314 was a mirror image of No. 316 West 78th Street.

References: New York City, Department of Buildings, Manhattan, Plans, Permits and Dockets.

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