314-320 West 87th Street

314-320 West 87th Street


Date: 1911-1912

NB Number: NB 565-1911

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Rouse & Goldstone

Developer/Owner/Builder: Brixton Construction Company

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West End Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Neo-Renaissance

Primary Facade:   Brick, Limestone, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 9

Structure: This nine-story apartment building is located on the south side of West 87th Street, 200 feet west of West End Avenue. It extends eighty feet along the street and is dumbbell-shaped in plan. The building is faced in red and black brick laid in English bond with limestone and terra-cotta trim and patterned brickwork. The majority of the original wood-framed windows are intact. West 87th Street Facade: This facade has three horizontal divisions and is articulated by five bays of tripartite windows. The center three bays have windows consisting of six-over-six sash flanking twelve-over-twelve sash, and the end bays have six-over-six sash flanking nine-over-nine sash. The two-story banded brick base rests on a low stone water table. The entry is located in the center. A metal service door is located at the western end of this facade. Double-height Doric pilasters on tall bases flank a simple, single-story stone entry surround with “320” inscribed in a cartouche in the entablature and a second-story window with a balcony. A stone bandcourse which rests on the capitals of the double-height pilasters separates the base from the six-story midsection. The bays flanking the center bay of the midsection have shallow balconies with metal grilles. A stringcourse separates the midsection from-the single-story top which has terra-cotta and brick quatrefoil detailing between windows. The facade is crowned by a bracketed cornice with dentils. Western Elevation: The western elevation is partially visible from West 87th Street. It is composed of two wings flanking a courtyard. Its brick matches the main facade and the striations at the base are continued to the adjacent rowhouse. Only two windows in the upper stories are visible. Eastern Elevation: The eastern elevation is partially visible from West 87th Street. It,is composed of two wings flanking a courtyard. Striations of the base return to the adjoining rowhouse and three tripartite windows are visible in the southern wing. A

Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD

Alterations:  A small percentage of the original windows have been replaced with aluminum sash in tripartite groups. The water table is painted, as is some of the entrance trim. The metal and glass double doors with a transom and the awning are not original.

History: This apartment building, named the Brixton, was erected in 1911-12 for the Brixton Construction Company according to the design of the firm of Rouse & Goldstone. The site was previously occupied by four rowhouses.

Selected Reference: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, H 2370. New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, H 2370.


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