312 West 87th Street

aka 310-312 West 87th Street

312 West 87th Street


Date: 1891-92

NB Number: NB 782-1891

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  John C Henry

Developer/Owner/Builder: John C Henry

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West End Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Brownstone

Stories: 3 with basement

Window Type/Material: One-over-one double-hung/Wood

Basement Type: Raised

Stoop Type:

Structure: Masonry bearing walls; This house is seventeen feet wide and has three bays. The facade is capped by a pressed metal cornice with modillion blocks and an ornamented fascia. It retains its stoop, which has carved stylized lions’ heads on the newel posts. These two brownstone-fronted rowhouses are three stories in height above raised basements. They are unified by facade materials, common stringcourses and roof lines, regularly aligned windows with projecting lintels, and decorative grilles at the basement windows. Both houses have retained their areaway walls and different individual pressed-metal cornices. Although No. 310 has been altered, both houses originally had stoops leading to parlor-story entrances. No. 312 retains its original glazed door with a wrought-iron grille. The windows all originally had one-over-one double-hung wood sash.

History:  The houses at Nos. 310 and 312 West 87th street are the survivors of a six house row which originally extended from No. 302 to No. 312. This row was designed by the architect and developer John C. Henry and built between June and November of 1891. The row was broken in 1913 when Nos. 302, 304, 306, and 308 were demolished for the erection of a nine-story apartment building. Nos. 310 and 312 have been combined and now share a single tax lot. Selected Reference: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, H 2370.

Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD



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