309 West 74th Street
Date: 1893-94
NB Number: NB 460-93
Type: Townhouse
Architect: Gilbert, C.P.H.
Developer/Owner/Builder: George Chase
NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: West End – Collegiate Historic District
National Register Designation: N/A
Primary Style: Renaissance Revival with Georgian References
Primary Facade: Brick, Limestone, Metal, Roman Brick, Wood, Yellow Brick, and Yellow roman brick
Stories: 4 with basement
Elements: Four-story with basement town house of yellow Roman brick; six-over-six wood sash windows; panelled lintels with fret motif; low limestone stoop; leaded sidelights and fanlight transom at entry; splayed brick lintels at basement and first floor, curved full-width bay at second floor; elliptical arched window with keystone, leaded fanlight, transom, and sidelights at second floor; deep metal cornice with dentils and scrolled modillions.
Historic District: West End - Collegiate HD
Alterations: Storm windows added; front door replaced; areaway railings installed; roof balustrade removed.
History: George Chase-, along with Theodore Dwight, founded the New York Law School in 1891. Chase served as the school’s .dean until his death in 1924 in this house.
References: New York City, Department of Buildings, Manhattan, Plans, Permits and Dockets. New.York Times, January 9, 1924, p. 21. “George Chase” (Obrtuary).
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