307 West 83rd Street

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    307 W 83rd Street A
  • color photo of 307 West 83rd Street
    307 W 83rd Street B
  • color photo of 307 West 83rd Street
    307 W 83rd Street C
  • color photo of 307 West 83rd Street
    307 W 83rd Street F
  • color photo of 307 West 83rd Street
    307 W 83rd Street G
  • 307 West 83rd Street A
    307 West 83rd Street A
  • 307 West 83rd Street E
    307 West 83rd Street E
  • 307 West 83rd Street D
    307 West 83rd Street D
  • 307 West 83rd Street C
    307 West 83rd Street C
  • 307 West 83rd Street B
    307 West 83rd Street B


307 West 83rd Street

Date: 1891-1892

NB Number: NB 1110-1891

Type: House

Architect: Lamb & Rich

Developer/Owner/Builder: Gerald L. Schulyer

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive – West End Historic District Extension I

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style: Romanesque Revival

Primary Facade: Brick and Stone

Stories: 4

Window Type/Material: Three round-arched windows at the fourth story; mixed (upper stories); replaced (basement)

Stoop Type: Removed

Historic District: Riverside Drive-West End HD Extension I

Significant Architectural Features: Two bay rusticated ground and first stories; banding at first story supports elaborately covered pilasters thank flank single one-over window; balcony at third story with decorative metal mesh infill; cover, slightly projected bat at third and fourth stories, with three windows at third story and three arched windows separated by engaged columns, decorative metal scrolls, and seashell patterned terra-cotta ornament at the fourth story’ dogtooth brickwork and terra-cotta gargoyles at cornice

Alterations: Stoop removed and entrance relocated; ground story resurfaced; areaway planter-box-wall replaced; some windows replaced; through-wall air conditioner at ground story; non-historic light fixtures; balustrade removed from cornice

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