306-310 West 100th Street

Bretton Court

306-310 West 100th Street


Date: 1910

NB Number: NB 55-1910

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Schwartz & Gross

Developer/Owner/Builder: Isaac Polstein

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive– West End Historic District Extension II

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Secessionist

Primary Facade:   Brick, Limestone, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 8

Window Type/Material: See Structure

Structure:Significant Architectural Features: Rusticated stone base above brick basement; Flemish bond brickwork; granite landing, step and cheek walls at entrance; two story Ionic pilasters; carved door surround with bracketed lintel; metal and glass door and transom; terra-cotta lintels with green glazed roundels; balconies and balconettes; round and segmental arched windows at eighth story; polychrome terra cotta cartouches in the spandrels; deep copper cornice; Special Windows: Wood, French casement windows with pivot transoms Decorative Metal Work: Balcony and balconette railings; metal and glass door and transom

Building Notes: The display address is 306-310 West 100th Street

Site Features: Possibly historic pipe railings with granite posts; concrete landing with stone step, diamond plate staircase to basement; gooseneck pipe; siamese connection through fence

North Facade: Designed (historic, painted, patched, repointed) Door(s): Historic primary door; non-historic door at basement Windows: Mixed (upper stories); replaced (basement) Security Grilles: Not historic (upper stories) Cornice: Historic Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete Curb Material(s): Stone Areaway Wall/Fence Materials: Metal; granite Areaway Paving Material: Concrete

East Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible) Facade Notes: Brick, patched, repointed; light court; chain-link fence at light court; railing and pipes on roof; conduit for camera

West Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible) Facade Notes: Chain-link fence with barbed wire

South Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible) Facade Notes: Brick; cables; camera; chain-link fence on roof

Historic District: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II

Alterations: Some railings altered with non-historic metalwork; transoms and non-historic grilles altered for air conditioners; one basement window infilled; lights; basement painted; camera; remote utility meter


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