305 West 74th Street

305 West 74th Street


Date: 1893-94

NB Number: NB 791-93

Type:  Townhouse

Architect:  Gilbert, C.P.H.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Thomas McIntyre

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: West End – Collegiate Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, grey roman brick, Limestone, Roman Brick, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 4 1/2

Elements: Four-and-one-half story town house with mansard roof; limestone base; grey Roman brick upper stories; Spanish tile roof; two-story projecting bay above base; molded window enframements; one-over-one wood sash windows; low limestone stoop; double leaf, wood and plate glass entry doors; terra cotta mock Palladian window treatment at second floor; cornice; terra-cotta frieze with classical wreaths and pilasters and flat arched dormer at roof; coped parapets above party walls.

Historic District: West End - Collegiate HD

Alterations: Lamps added at entry

History: Conveyed to Gillard and Marianne’Faulkner in February,. 1895.

References: New York City, Department of Buildings, Manhattan: Plans, Permits and Dockets.

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