299 Riverside Drive: Rockledge Hall

aka 295-299 Riverside Drive; aka 322-332 West 102nd Street (295 Riverside Drive, 297 Riverside Drive, 299 Riverside Drive, 322 West 102nd Street, 324 West 102nd Street, 326 West 102nd Street, 328 West 102nd Street, 330 West 102nd Street, 332 West 102nd Street)

299 Riverside Drive: Rockledge Hall


Date: 1910-11

NB Number: NB 518-1910

Borough of Manhattan Tax Map Information: Block 1889, Lot 72

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect/Builder:  MacDonald Evan T.

Original Owner: Rockledge Construction Co.

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive– West End Historic District Extension II

National Register Designation: N/A

Style:  Renaissance Revival

Materials:   Brick, Stone, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 12 with basement

Special Windows: Possibly historic fan transoms and casement windows at first story; possibly historic metal-and-glass door and transom

Significant Architectural Features: Rusticated stone base; Flemish-bond brick upper facade; round-arched windows at first story with keystones; windows at third story with lintel course; windows at fourth through 12th stories with flared brick lintels with stone or terra-cotta keystones; terra-cotta sill courses at sixth, eighth, 10th and 11th stories; round and flat-arched windows at 11th and 12th stories paired with full terra-cotta surrounds; large plaques at 12th story with cartouches; copper cornice with brackets and roundels

Alterations: Stoop railings; windows at first story altered with one moveable pane; small windows possibly cut in at 11th and 12th stories, one with part of plaque incorporated in sill; lights with conduits; marquee replaced; metal hatch at basement

Building Notes: The entrance is on West 102nd Street.

Site Features: Pipe railing with painted posts; metal grille; metal fence and gate across areaway; pipe
North Facade: Designed (historic, repointed)
Stoop: Resurfaced
Door(s): Possibly historic primary door
Windows: Mixed (upper stories); replaced (basement)
Security Grilles: Not historic (upper stories); not historic (basement)
Cornice: Historic
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Stone; concrete with metal edge at corner
Areaway Wall/Fence Materials: Metal and concrete or stone

East Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick laid in running bond, patched; windows with brick lintels and stone or terracotta sills; fire escape; non-historic metal railing on roof; non-historic grilles altered for air conditioners at first story; possibly historic grilles at basement; conduits Site: concrete steps with metal railings; concrete-paved areaway

West Facade: Designed (historic)
Facade Notes: Similar to primary facade; two entrances, one with full surround and keystone; doors replaced; intercom with electric keypad lock; non-historic grilles at basement, possibly historic half grilles at first story; windows at first story altered with single moveable pane; paired windows at 11th and 12th stories in round-arched surrounds; lights; camera with conduit; remote utility meter Site: pipe railings with painted posts; stand pipe; concrete sidewalk, stone curb except at corner, which is concrete with metal edge

South Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick laid in running bond with contrasting brick details; brick lintels; windows replaced; non-historic railing on roof

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