276 Riverside Drive

aka 322 West 100th Street; aka 324 West 100th Street

276 Riverside Drive


Date: 1910-1911

NB Number: NB 208-1910

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Rouse & Goldstone

Developer/Owner/Builder: West side Construction Co.

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive– West End Historic District Extension II

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick, Limestone, and Terra Cotta

Stories: Twelve

Window Type/Material: three-bay-wide portico with banded columns and pilasters on paneled plinths separated by balustrades, entablature with rosettes and triglyphs; round-arched entrance with carved keystone; windows at second story with balconettes

Stoop Type: Historic

North Facade: Designed

South Facade: Brick, patched; clay coping; stone sills; windows replaced; cellular phone antenna

East Facade: Brick, patched; clay coping; stone sills; windows replaced; non-historic grille at first story; fire escape; cables

West Facade:Non-historic window grilles altered for air conditioners; windows replaced; cornice removed; camera with conduits; door at service entrance replaced; siamese connection Site: areaway infilled; diamond plate ramp; gooseneck pipe

Significant Architectural Features: Stone base rusticated at first and second stories; upper stories brick laid in Flemish bond, rusticated at corners; stone stoop; three-bay-wide portico with banded columns and pilasters on paneled plinths separated by balustrades, entablature with rosettes and triglyphs; round-arched entrance with carved keystone; windows at second story with balconettes; first-story windows at entrance with possibly historic casement windows; balconies with scrolled foliate brackets; stone or cast-stone sills; terra-cotta stringcourses at 10th story; brick panels with terra-cotta details; brick and terra-cotta piers at 11th and 12th story, terra-cotta spandrel panels and plaques; frieze, brackets, and moldings at roof line.

Historic District: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II

Alterations: Entrance altered; door replaced; lights; balconette above door replaced by grille altered for air conditioner; basement window infilled; grilles at second story altered for air conditioner; cornice removed except for brackets, frieze and denticulated molding; cables; lights; spigot

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