2689-2693 Broadway (Marseilles Hotel)


2689-2693 Broadway (Marseilles Hotel)


Date: 1902-1905

Type: Apartment Hotel

Architect: Harry Allan Jacobs

Developer/Owner/Builder: Netherlands Construction Company (J. Arthur Pinchbeck, President); leased to Marseilles [sic] Hotel Company

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Individual Landmark

Landmark Designation Report: Hotel Marseilles

Primary Style: Beaux Arts; “modern French”

Façade (primary material): Brick

Stories: 11

Window Type: Tripartite single-pane with transoms; one-over-one double-hung

Alterations: Windows now aluminium sash; projecting aluminium/glass vestiubule installed at entrance on 103rd. Broadway facade altered for restaurant. Gray metal door installed at 103rd. Some basement openings sealed with concrete panels. Areaway iron replaced…

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