255 West 91st Street
255 West 91st Street
Date:Â 1901
NB Number:Â NB 181-1901
Type: Â Rowhouse
Architect: Â Rich, Charles A.
Developer/Owner/Builder:Â Harriet Rich
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report:Â Riverside Drive- West End Historic District
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Georgian Revival
Primary Facade: Â Â Brick and Limestone
Stories:Â 5
Window Type/Material:Â See structure
Basement Type:Â American
Stoop Type:Â Unknown
Roof Type/Material:Â Metal
Structure: Located on the north side of West 91st Street 150 feet east of West End Avenue, this five story, three bay house with an American basement is faced in brick with limestone trim. It was originally four stories in height but received a fifth story addition at a later date and is twenty-five feet wide. The arched entrance in the western bay of the facade has a keyed limestone surround containing the original oak and glass arched doors with a fanlight transom. Tall brick newel posts with limestone ball finials and the original wrought iron fences extend in front of the entrance at each side. The large four part window with one-over-one wood sash to the east of the door retains three leaded glass transoms and its original wrought-iron grille. The second story is marked by a centrally placed wooden oriel with multi paned windows and transoms and a dentiled cornice. To either side of the oriel are openings containing twelve-over-one wood sash windows, while the third and fourth stories each have three six-over-six wood sash windows. The window openings are distinguished by splayed lintels with keystones. The simple iron cornice above matches that of No. 257 next door. The roof features a set of three windows, six-over-six double-hung, within a square dormer, a standing seam metal roof, and a stepped brick end gable.
Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD
Alterations: The fifth story has a pipe rail running across the roofline in front of the dormer. The windows in the dormer are covered by storm windows. Two recent light fixtures are placed at the door. The areaway fence has been removed as has one brick fence post. The building was converted into apartments in 1929.
HISTORY:Â Designed by Charles A. Rich, a partner in the renowned New York architectural firm of lamb & Rich which was responsible for the neighboring house at No. 257 (1895-96), this single-family house was built in 1901 for Harriet Rich, and himself. Its design complements that of its neighbor, No. 257, to the west. Rich also designed another house at 309-311 West 92nd Street (1905) which is located within the district. Selected Reference: New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record Collection, G 2032.