253 West 91st Street

253 West 91st Street


Date: 1896-97

NB Number: NB 453-1896

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Pelham, George F.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Charles S Sentell

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive- West End Historic District

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Beige Brick, Limestone, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 5

Window Type/Material: One-over-one double-hung/Wood

Basement Type: Raised

Stoop Type: Low Box

Structure: West 91st Street facade: This five story apartment building with a raised basement extends fifty feet along West 91st Street, 175 feet east of West End Avenue. The facade is divided into a one story base, a three story midsection, and a one story top. The basement and first story are faced in coursed limestone. Above, the facade is beige brick with limestone and terra cotta trim. A low box stoop extends over the depressed areaway and leads to the first story entrance located to the west of the center. Four bays wide, the facade is articulated by a paired bay at the western end and a tripartite bay at the eastern end flanking two bays of single windows. A minor bay of small windows is located to the east of the western bay. Fenestration at the ground story is slightly different. The windows retain their original one-over-one wood-framed sash. The end bays of the midsection have triple height limestone surrounds with carved spandrel panels and Ionic pilasters. The center windows have keyed surrounds, and those at the fourth story have arched heads. Above a string course, the top story has coursed brick. Quoins run up the edges of the facade and meet a belt course at the top capped by a modillioned iron cornice.

Eastern Elevation: The eastern elevation is common bond brick, painted cream with the basement level painted gray. It has no significant architectural details.

Western-Elevation: The western elevation is red common bond brick and has a chimney.

Historic District: Riverside Drive- West End HD

Alterations: The first story has been painted beige. A fire escape has been added from the second through the fifth stories. A recent iron fence encloses the areaway, and the two basement windows and the three windows to the east of the door have recent iron grilles. The door is a brown aluminum and glass replacement. Two recent light fixtures are placed at the door.

History:  Built in 1896-97 for Charles S. Sentell, this small apartment building was designed by the prolific New York architect George F. Pelham, whose work is well represented within the district. Selected Reference: New York City DepaxtIrEnt of Taxes Photograph Collection, Municipal Archives and Record,Collection, G 2032.


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