252 West 76th Street (Hotel Willard, now Hotel Churchill)

254 West 76th Street, 256 West 76th Street

252 West 76th Street (Hotel Willard, now Hotel Churchill)


Date: 1902-03

NB Number: NB 39-1902

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Townsend, Ralph S.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Alexander McDowell

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Beaux-Arts

Primary Facade:   Brick, Limestone, and Terra Cotta

Stories: 10

Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension

Decorative Metal Work: Railings at fourth story at bottom of angled bays

Significant Architectural Features: Splayed lintels at rusticated stone base; bracketed stone balconette with balustrade above door and at fourth story; angled bays at fourth to sixth stories; classical-inspired decorative stone details; projecting cornice with scroll brackets and dentils below 10th story; curved pitched roof with dormers having triangular pediments.

Alterations: Non-historic stoop railing; exposed conduit at basement and first story; historic eastern basement window and vent at western basement window.

Building Notes: Two light fixtures by entrance may be historic.

North Facade: Designed (historic, basement, first and second stories painted)
Stoop: Replaced stoop (gate under stoop – replaced)
Door(s): Replaced primary door
Windows: Replaced (upper stories); mixed (basement)
Security Grilles: Historic (basement)
Roof: Original (pitched – metal)
Notable Roof Features: Dormer windows
Cornice: Original
Areaway Paving Material(s): Concrete
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Granite

East Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick facade

West Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Brick facade

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