249 West 101st Street



249 West 101st Street


Date: 1900-1901

NB Number: NB 438-1900

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Neville & Bagge

Developer/Owner/Builder: Egan & Hallecy

Row Configuration: ABCCBA

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Riverside Drive– West End Historic District Extension II

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Renaissance Revival

Primary Facade:   Roman Brick and Stone

Stories: 4

Window Type/Material:See Structure

Structure:Significant Architectural Features: Rusticated base; stoop; segmental arched entrance with cartouche; possibly historic door; modillioned cornice incorporating bracketed door hood; segmental arched windows with scrolled keystones at first story; windows with full surrounds and bracketed lintels at second story; windows with stylized lintels at third story; and windows with flared lintels with carved keystones at fourth story; metal cornice with heavily decorated brackets, wreath and swag decorated frieze and modillions; Decorative Metal Work: Balconette railing; grille

Building Notes: One in a row of six houses in an ABCCBA pattern with numbers 245-247 and 251-255 West 101st Street.

Site Features: Bin for trash receptacles

South Facade: Designed (historic, painted) Stoop: Painted Door(s): Possibly historic primary door Windows: Replaced (upper stories); replaced (basement) Security Grilles: Possibly historic (upper stories); not historic (basement) Cornice: Historic Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete Curb Material(s): Stone

Historic District: Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II

Alterations: First story altered, window replaced with louvers, secondary entrance infilled, and basement window created; basement window on west altered; through-wall air conditioners; vent; intercom; lights with conduits; remote utility meter


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