247 West 71st Street
247 West 71st Street
NB Number: NB 338-1924
Type: Apartment Building
Architect: Herts, Henry Beaumont
Developer/Owner/Builder: 251 West 71st Street Inc.
NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report
National Register Designation: N/A
Primary Style: Arts and Crafts and Romanesque Revival (Arts & Crafts with alterations)
Primary Facade: Brick, Multi-toned dark brick, Stucco, and Terra Cotta
Stories: 6 1/2
Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension
Special Windows: Roundel window at main entry with leaded stained glass
Decorative Metal Work: Corbels at drainpipe at upper stories
Significant Architectural Features: Slightly recessed area of stucco surrounded by larger areas of red brick; intricate terra-cotta detailing at first story, including small gargoyle blocks, foliate, animal and dragon details, bracketed balconette with elaborate rinceaux, and richly decorated main entry surround including molded reveals and tympanum with foliate and fauna details.
Alterations: Small decorative brick panels replaced between fifth and sixth stories; terra-cotta details painted; painted at base; area of stucco painted (appears to be a darker color in the c. 1939 tax photograph); replaced sashes (see c. 1939 tax photograph for historic configuration); screen windows at some openings; small window filled in above service entry towards eastern end of facade; roundel window at main entry was historically backlit; keypad at main entry.
Building Notes: The building was constructed to accommodate 24 families and a “janitor.” Possibly original or historic wood door with leaded light at main entry. Possibly historic light fixtures at main entry.
References: New York City Department of Buildings, New Building Application Dockets.
Site Features: In-ground metal hatch doors in sidewalk towards western end of elevation
South Facade: Designed (historic, repointed at first story)
Door(s): Possibly historic primary door; replaced service door towards eastern end of elevation
Windows: Possibly historic
Security Grilles: Possibly historic (upper stories)
Roof: Historic (pitched – material(s) not determined)
Notable Roof Features: Hipped roof, slightly raised towards center bays
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
East Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Multi-toned dark brick; projecting chimney
Alterations: Repointed towards roofline
West Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Alterations: Painted