245 West 72nd Street

245 West 72nd Street


Date: 1923-24

NB Number: NB 267-1923

Type:  Apartment Building

Architect:  Cohen, Samuel

Developer/Owner/Builder: 245 West 72nd Street Corporation (Gail T. Brown, president)

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Colonial Revival

Primary Facade:   Brick and Limestone

Stories: placeholder

Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension

Decorative Metal Work: Balconettes at seventh story

Significant Architectural Features: Brick facade with limestone details including banding and rectangular limestone sills; masonry door surround featuring engaged pilasters supporting amolded entablature.

Alterations: Parapet simplified and rebuilt after c. 1939 tax photograph; first story simplified and storefront replaced after c. 1980s tax photograph; replaced sashes, except where noted (see “Building Notes”; both single- and multi-paned sashes present in c. 1939 tax photograph); nonhistoric sidelights and transom at main residential entry; intercom at main residential entry; awning at main residential entry; signboxes at main entry; conduit and lights above storefront; commercial signage at storefront; roll-down gate at storefront

Building Notes: The apartment building was designed to contain storage, a caretaker’s apartment,  doctor’s offices and bachelor apartments. Possibly historic multi-paned double-hung sashes at eastern bay at seventh story.

References: New York City Department of Buildings, New Building Application Dockets.

Site Features: In-ground metal hatch in sidewalk.

South Facade: Designed (historic, repointed, painted at first story)
Door(s): Replaced primary door
Windows: Mixed
Storefront(s): Replaced
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete and metal

East Facade: Partially designed (altered) (partially visible)
Significant Architectural Features: Red brick and limestone details from primary (south) facade wrap onto this facade for several feet
Alterations: Non-designed visible areas of facade are resurfaced; metal covering visible at roofline.

West Facade: Partially designed (altered) (partially visible)
Significant Architectural Features: Red brick and limestone details from primary (south) facade wrap onto this facade for several feet
Alterations: Non-historic metal covering visible at roofline.

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