241 West 72nd Street
241 West 72nd Street
NB Number: NB 90-1939
Type: Office Building, now community center
Architect: Shary, William
Developer/Owner/Builder: Dolwood Co. (Beatrice Willmurt, president)
NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report
National Register Designation: N/A
Primary Style: Colonial Revival
Primary Facade: Brick, Granite, Limestone, Marble, and Red Brick
Stories: 4
Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension
Decorative Metal Work: Balconettes at second through fourth stories; rails at parapet
Significant Architectural Features: Brick facade; small molded limestone cornice above first story; continuous rectangular lintel at fourth story; splayed brick lintels with small limestone keystones at second and fourth stories; limestone band above fourth story; brick parapet with limestone coping; limestone portico at main entry featuring engaged pilasters supporting a triangular pediment with cartouche and inscribed address number; inscription above main entry reading “Carol Bernstein Building;” granite water table
Alterations: Marble facing at first story dates to at least c. 1980s tax photograph; replaced sashes (six-over-six double-hung sashes present in 1941 New York Times photograph (“West Side Firm in New Building,” New York Times, January 5, 1941, RE2); flagpole at center of elevation above second story; signbox affixed to elevation at first story; intercom and small sign at main entry
Building Notes: This building replaced two row houses previously on the site, present in c. 1939 tax photograph.
Site Features: In-ground vent in sidewalk
Notable History and Residents: This building was originally constructed as offices for the Wood Dolson Company, a prominent west side realty firm. The current tenants, the National Council of Jewish Women, moved in during the 1940s/50s, at which time they opened the first full-day senior center in Manhattan, the Council Senior Center (CSC). The CSC continues to occupy the building today.
References: “About our Past,” National Council of Jewish Women Website, http://www.ncjwny.org/about (accessed April 25, 2013); “F.A. Wyckoff Dies; Realty Firm Head,” New York Times, May 24, 1943, 15; “West Side Civic Group Moves,” New York Times, June 3, 1954, 46; “West Side Firm in New Building,” New York Times, January 5, 1941, RE2.
South Facade: Designed (historic, repointed)
Door(s): Replaced primary door; non-historic secondary entry door and transom
Windows: Replaced
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Masonry
East Facade: Designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Building projects forward slightly from neighboring buildings; some red brick visible; limestone bands from primary (south) facade wrap onto this facade
Alteration: Repointed
West Facade: Designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Same as east facade