239 West 71st Street

239 West 71st Street


Date: 1885-86 (original);  c. 2005-06 (alteration)

NB Number: NB 498-1885; Job No. ALT 104134884

Type:  Rowhouse

Architect:  Gleicher, Paul S. and Steinmetz, John H.

Developer/Owner/Builder: Elizabeth Steinmetz (1885-86); Paul S. Gleicher (c. 2005-06)

NYC Landmarks Designation:  Historic District

Landmark Designation Report:

Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report 

National Register Designation: N/A

Primary Style:  Stripped Neo-Grec

Primary Facade:   Masonry

Stories: placeholder

Window Type/Material: placeholder

Basement Type: 3 and basement

Significant Architectural Features: Original bracketed cornice with paneled frieze.

Alterations: Original stoop removed and facade rebuilt with new window openings (c. 2005-6; significant architectural details, except for cornice, were stripped prior to c. 1980s tax photograph; see “Building Notes”); light at basement.

Building Notes: The present appearance of building dates to c. 2005-6 alteration by architect Paul S. Gleicher that turned the already stripped row house into an eco-friendly, single-family townhouse.

References: “Gleicher’s Eco-Friendly Townhouse,” Gleicher Design Group Website, http://gleicherdesign.com (accessed May 9, 2013); Nancy A. Ruhling, “Green Brownstone,” New York House (November 2006)..

Site Features: Brick stairs descend to main entry; non-historic metal hand rails at stairs

South Facade: Designed (resurfaced, altered)
Stoop: Removed
Door(s): Replaced primary door; secondary entry also replaced (not historic)
Windows: Replaced
Cornice: Original
Areaway Wall/Fence Material(s): Low concrete walls with metal railing

Areaway Paving Material(s): Concrete
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Concrete and metal


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