237 West 72nd Street
237 West 72nd Street
NB Number:Â NB 1716-1895
Type: Â Rowhouse
Architect: Â Cook, Henry F.
Developer/Owner/Builder:Â Chas. Buek
NYC Landmarks Designation:Â Historic District
Landmark Designation Report:Â Addendum to the West End-Collegiate Historic District Extension Designation Report
National Register Designation:Â N/A
Primary Style: Â Renaissance Revival with alterations
Primary Facade: Â Â Masonry
Stories:Â 5
Historic District: West End-Collegiate HD Extension
Special Windows: Round-arched window openings at fifth story (sashes replaced)
Significant Architectural Features: Bay windows at second and third stories with bracketed segmental pediment at second story and capped by a molded cornice with garland frieze; foliate keystones at fourth and fifth stories; molded stringcourse above fourth story (continuous with 235 West 72nd Street); rusticated masonry at fifth story; molded metal cornice at roofline (continuous with no. 235).
Alterations: First story altered with introduction of storefront, including removal of elaborate main entry portico (after c. 1939 tax photograph but before c. 1980s tax photograph); low stoop likely removed from original first-story entry (prior to c. 1939 tax photograph); replaced sashes (one-over-one double-hung sashes present in c. 1939 tax photograph); commercial signage at first story; roll-down gate at storefront; non-historic transom at residential entry; intercom at residential entry.
Site Features: In-ground metal hatch in sidewalk
South Facade: Designed (historic, painted)
Stoop: Removed
Door(s): Replaced primary door
Windows: Replaced
Storefront(s): Replaced
Cornice: Original
Sidewalk Material(s): Concrete
Curb Material(s): Masonry
West Facade: Not designed (historic) (partially visible)
Facade Notes: Red brick; partially visible above roofline of neighboring building