101-111 West 87th Street, aka 560-568 Columbus Avenue
101 West 87th Street, 103 West 87th Street, 105 West 87th Street, 107 West 87th Street, 109 West 87th Street, 111 West 87th Street, 560 Columbus Avenue, 562 Columbus Avenue, 564 Columbus Avenue, 566 Columbus Avenue, 568 Columbus Avenue
101-111 West 87th Street
aka 560-568 Columbus Avenue
Date: 1984-87
NB Number: NB 59-1984
Type: Apartment Building
Architect: Edelman, Judith
Developer/Owner/Builder: Kriesler Borg Florman General Construction
NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District
Landmark Designation Report: Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District, Vol. 2
National Register Designation: N/A
Primary Style: Modern
Primary Facade: Brick
Stories: 9 & 4
Window Type/Material: Single pane sliding/Metal
Structure: Steel frame construction; Fireproof
Historic District: Upper West Side - Central Park West HD
Note: Originally constructed with storefront(s)
Site formerly occupied by: Three flats and six rowhouses (demolished 1964, 1965 and 1973)