
Ghosts of the Past: “Fading Ads” illustrated lecture, October 3rd
Fading Ads of New York City An illustrated lecture and book signing with author Frank JumpWednesday, October 3rd, 2012 at 6:00PMNew York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street"[Fading Ads of New York City] showcases Mr. Jump's loving record of...
A Morning at Play
The first official day of the Fall season may not be until tomorrow, but this morning's beautiful weather tempted us to celebrate a day early. With blue skies on our side, we took a mid-morning romp through the Adventure Playground, located just a stone's throw...

Tonight, Experience the Architecture of Cuba
"Say the word Cuba and most people think dictators, the prison at Guantánamo Bay, and Communism with palm trees. Architect Hermes Mallea believes there is so much more to the country and has the pictures to prove it." -- Architectural Digest This evening,...
Monday Meanderings Captured in Instagram
Mid-morning errands produced a mini-collection of some Broadway gems. Have a look at our "I'm running to Staples for labels, be right back!" album:The Apthorp Apartments, between West 78th and 79th Streets. Known perhaps most readily as the longtime object...
Countdown to City Council Sub-Committee Public Hearing: 15 DAYS
The Riverside-West End Historic District Extension I continues on the path to achieving bona fide landmark status! City Council has set a date for the public hearing (Wednesday, October 3 -- more details here). Now they need to hear from YOU. This is...
What the LW! iPhone App has in Common with Vogue Magazine
It's Fashion Week in New York City. And, more specifically, on the Upper West Side! Lincoln Center has transformed, for the seven days between September 6th and 13th, into a kaleidoscopic blend of avant garde people and fashions. It's an exciting...
Back to School Means Farewell to Interns
LW! bids farewell to our two great high school interns, Jahmauny Monds and Jonathan Ortiz. Here, they offer us some departing words. We wish them all the best on this first day of school!Jahmauny writes ...I loved my time here at LANDMARK WEST!. I enjoyed being...

An Unexpected Find On West 70th Street
A guest post by IHDF Intern Jonathan Ortiz Last week, I went out looking at buildings, searching for something that caught my eye. As I was walking, I decided to give myself a challenge: try to find a unique row house. I walked past so many of them but I was...

It’s “Lunch Time” at the New York Public Library
The student becomes the teacher! Recently, LW! graduate intern Kate Gilmore took two of our summer high school interns on a trip to the New York Public Library, to share with them one of the places in New York City that, as a historic preservation student, Kate...

VANDALIZED: News from Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn
Day to day, LANDMARK WEST!'s focus is on the Upper West Side, preserving the soaring apartments and brownstone-lined midblocks from West 59th to West 110th Street, as well as the stunning Scenic Landmarks--Riverside Park and Central Park--bookending the neighborhood...