
Meet the Intern: Jennifer
My name is Jennifer Perez and I recently completed my junior year at the Williamsburg High School for Architecture & Design (WHSAD). This school has developed my passion for architecture and interior design even more than I thought possible. I've learned how to...
City Council Candidates Discuss Land Use & Development at LW! Forum
Moderator Bruce Simon leads the conversation.Lively discussion ensued at LW!'s forum with the City Council candidates for the Upper West Side's District 6 last week, covered in the New York Observer. Graciously hosted by our neighbors, the New York Society for Ethical...
LW! Leads the Way for Grand Army Plaza Victory!
LANDMARK WEST! celebrates a victory in the proposed Grand Army Plaza restoration that that was heard yesterday, June 24, at the Public Design Commission (PDC). The Central Park Conservancy’s plan to rehabilitate the plaza, an individual scenic landmark and...
NYPL Wows with Francis Morrone as a Guide
NYPL Rose Reading Room (photo by Paul Lowry)Noted architectural historian Francis Morrone delivered a beautifully illustrated slide lecture on the architecture and decoration of the 42nd Street Library to LANDMARK WEST! guests and fellow advocates for the 42nd Street...
Blight on the Upper West Side? The Daily News Exposes a Neglected Landmark
As reported by intern Melissa Doherty On Sunday, June 9th, the New York Daily News released an article about 118 West 76thstreet, a historic brownstone that has been vacant and neglected for years by its owner, Board of Elections official Diane...
Rally to Save the New York Public Library
As reported by intern Melissa Doherty Protestors on the steps of the NYPLYesterday, a rally was held at the 42nd street New York Public Library in protest of the Central Library Plan (CLP), during a meeting of the library’s trustees. This plan, proposed by...

Meet the Newest Addition to LW!
My name is Melissa Doherty and I just completed my sophomore year at Franklin & MarshallCollege in Lancaster, PA.I am currently an Art Major and I have a great passion for architectural preservation and architectural history. I grew up visiting Manhattanon a...
Click here to send an email "postcard" to Hon. Robert Tierney, Chair of the NYC Landmarks Preservation Committee (LPC) and urge the LPC to hold an emergency public hearing to designate P.S. 199 an official NYC Landmark..It is especially urgent that Commission act now...
Meet and Greet: Your Graduate Intern
Rachel Levy joined the LW! team as a Graduate Intern in January and will continue working at LW! this summer. She is a first year (almost second year!) student in Columbia University's graduate program in historic preservation. Though originally from the small coastal...

Designate the West End’s Historic District Extensions NOW
A picture is worth a thousand words. Question: How could this out-of-context building get built? Answer: These 4 rowhouses were not designated NYC Landmarks when the then-owner of 2 Riverside Drive built on this site. The moral of the story?...