
LANDMARK WEST’s Letter to the Department of City Planning on the Proposed Citywide Rezoning
Here is, in full, LANDMARK WEST's letter to Carl Weisbrod, Chair of the New York City Planning Commission, regarding the NYC Planning Proposal titled 'Zoning for Quality and Affordability' Dear Chair Weisbrod: LANDMARK WEST! is deeply concerned about the damaging...
PRESERVATION ALERT! Neighborhood Character is Under Threat!
PRESERVATION ALERT!NYC CITYWIDE REZONING PROPOSALWOULD WEAKEN HARD-WONCONTEXTUAL ZONING PROTECTIONS,RAISE HEIGHT LIMITSThirty years ago, in response to incongruous Tower-in-the-Park development promoted by New York's 1961 Zoning Resolution, Upper West Siders...

Copy and paste the following text in an email and send it to LPC Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan at, and please "cc" March 6, 2015 Meenakshi Srinivasan, Chair New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission 1 Centre...
UPDATE: First Church of Christ, Scientist (361 CPW)
On Tuesday, February 10, 2015 the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a Public Meeting on 361 Central Park West where architects presented their plans for multiple alterations to the exterior of this Individual Landmark, designed by Carrere & Hastings. Please...

Tom Wolfe’s 2005 Piece on 2 Columbus Circle
Check out Tom Wolfe's article in New York Magazine (July 4-11, 2005) about the battle for to save 2 Columbus Circle: Tom Wolfe quotes former landmarks commissioner Richard Olcott, who in an email to then LPC chair Bob Tierney, said: “The design community needs to...
The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same
From "Empress of West 67th Street," New York Magazine (November 5, 1984).From "West Side Warrior Hands Over Reins," Wall Street Journal (January 16, 2015).Simon's full valedictory speech before the Landmarks Preservation Commission, delivered December 9,...
Over 100 Buildings Heard, But Not Designated by LPC, Originally Scheduled to be De-Calendared on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. LPC has since withdrawn the de-calendaring proposal. New date to be determined.
All Five Boroughs Building Name, Address, Year Calendared by LPC Upper West Side, ManhattanIRT Powerhouse, 11th Ave at West 58th-59th Sts, 1979St. Michael's Episcopal Church Complex, 227 West 99th St, 1980ManhattanLoew's 175th...
NYS Senator Tony Avella Finds LPC’s Plan Outrageous! Read on!
New York State Senator Tony Avella writes to Mayor de Blasio and Chair Meenakshi Srinivasan of the Landmarks Preservation Commission "in regards to the LPC decision to remove a large number [96] of potential landmark locations from the calendar as of December 9th. I...
A History of New York in 101 Objects: An Illustrated Talk and Book Signing with Sam Roberts
A History of New York in 101 ObjectsAn Illustrated Talk and Book Signing with Sam RobertsTuesday, November 11th, 2014 at 6:30PMMacaulay Honors College, 35 West 67th StreetBlack and White Cookies courtesy of Lori Zabar! Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:30...

Frick Today, New-York Historical Society Tomorrow …
The campaign to protect the landmarked Frick Collection on the Upper East Side is not bound by geography. Though the museum is located on the Upper East Side, advocates and allies from across the five boroughs, the nation and internationally recognize the significance...