Riverside-West End Historic District Map Available!
While the City Council has 120 days to amend or disprove the Historic District Extension, the LPC has made the map of the revised boundaries available. See above. Landmark West! will keep you posted with any news! To see other Media coverage, read West Side...

Can you see the differences in these two images?
Left: District Map from 2010, Right: District Map post-de Blasio Diet on June 23, 2015Image by Landmark West!This morning, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public meeting to consider designation of the third, and as they emphasize, "final" segment of the...
DEFEND the proposed Riverside-West End Avenue Historic District Extension II
This Tuesday, the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission will vote on Riverside-West End Historic District Extension II Please join us at 9:30 am the Commission, 1 Centre St, 9th Fl. to DEFEND the boundaries as-set in 2011 (please allow time for security...
Time Lapse of 2 Columbus Circle’s Destruction
Back in 2005-2006, we set up a "shame cam" to capture and live-stream the facade destruction of 2 Columbus Circle. Now, ten years later, we created a time lapse of the process as Edward Durell Stone's quirky piece of modernism was scaffolded, cocooned, and sliced up...
50 Sites for 50 Years of NYC Landmarks
Photograph: Andrew KaplanLandmark West! Celebrates on Google Field Trip AppThis year marks the 50th Anniversary of the passing of New York City’s Landmark Preservation Law (1965-2015) and also Landmark West’s own 30th Anniversary (1985-2015). Back then, our...
Saving Places at MCNY
"Saving Place establishes landmarks as a key to urban dynamism, not as some fuddy-duddy concept. These are living, vital buildings.” — Susan Henshaw Jones, director of the Museum of the City of New York, quoted in The New York Times.Saving Place: 50 Years of New York...

Upper West End Avenue, A Walking Tour with Andrew Scott Dolkart*
Cornice detail of The Cornwall (90th Street), a Broadway building that could be "carved out" of the proposed historic district extension Tuesday, June 23rd, 6:00 to 800pm Meeting Location TBA ~ Space is limited - reservations and advance payment required RSVP...
Sign the petition to stop mega-development! With development rights from three townhouses, and the former Congregation Habonim directly on their site, and joined by transferred development rights from the Jewish Guild for the Blind and the First Battery Armory...
Call for Moratorium on Mega-Towers That Would Darken Central Park
Let's Keep Central Park From Becoming "Central Dark!" Yesterday at a press conference in front of City Hall, Landmark West! spoke in favor of an immediate, temporary moratorium on the construction of mega-towers that would cast long shadows on Central Park. The...
City Revises Destructive Zoning Proposal
In March 2015, the City Planning Commission announced a massive citywide rezoning proposal that would raise height limits across the city and weaken hard-won neighborhood contextual zoning protections. The stated justification for such radical changes:...