Upper West End Avenue, A Walking Tour with Andrew Scott Dolkart*
Cornice detail of The Cornwall (90th Street), a Broadway building that could be "carved out" of the proposed historic district extension Tuesday, June 23rd, 6:00 to 800pm Meeting Location TBA ~ Space is limited - reservations and advance payment required RSVP...
Sign the petition to stop mega-development! With development rights from three townhouses, and the former Congregation Habonim directly on their site, and joined by transferred development rights from the Jewish Guild for the Blind and the First Battery Armory...
Call for Moratorium on Mega-Towers That Would Darken Central Park
Let's Keep Central Park From Becoming "Central Dark!" Yesterday at a press conference in front of City Hall, Landmark West! spoke in favor of an immediate, temporary moratorium on the construction of mega-towers that would cast long shadows on Central Park. The...
City Revises Destructive Zoning Proposal
In March 2015, the City Planning Commission announced a massive citywide rezoning proposal that would raise height limits across the city and weaken hard-won neighborhood contextual zoning protections. The stated justification for such radical changes:...
Celebrating Memorial Day The Upper West Side Way: At The Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Monument
Prominently situated on Riverside Drive at 89th Street, the Soldiers and Sailors Monument was erected in memory of the New York regiments that fought in the Civil War. Designed by Charles and Arthur Stoughton and Paul E.M. Duboy, the monument was built between...
Arlene’s Graduation Celebration PART 2: Summer School
Before Arlene Simon, no West Sider had stepped up to the challenge of unifying people concerned about the then-eroding architectural character of the neighborhood under a single preservation banner. That banner became Landmark West! After thirty eventful years on the...
Sacred Sites Open House Weekend – May 16 & 17
LW! is a proud co-sponsor of this year's event, organized by our colleagues at the New York Landmarks Conservancy. Congregations all over the city and state will open their doors to New Yorkers and visitors alike to explore their extraordinary art and architecture....
CB7 Rejects Variances for First Church of Christ, Scientist Conversion has a great article covering Community Board 7's full board meeting from Tuesday. At this meeting, the full board declined to follow the Land Use Committee's vote to approve Board of Standards and Appeals "BSA" variances which would have allowed the...
MOBIA Museum to Close!
In the wake of the sale of 1865 Broadway by the American Bible Society to Avalon Bay Communities for a planned 39-floor residential building, MOBIA, the Museum of Biblical Art is set to shutter forever on June 14th. As recent as last fall, the Museum was honing in on...
Jeffrey Kroessler op-ed on 50 Years of the Landmarks Law
LW! Board member Jeffrey Kroessler has a terrific op-ed in yesterday's Daily News: Wrecking crane moves in for kill on the Morosco Theater at W. 45th St. in 1982Image: Clarence Davis “Historic preservation saved New York City: 50 years after the passages of...