
The Luck of the Upper West Side: Edward Kilpatrick’s Architectural Legacy
by: Elizabeth Canon In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we want to tell you about a fellow Irishman and builder in New York City, Edward Kilpatrick. Not only was Kilpatrick born in Ireland, but he was also a close personal friend of New York character, Horace Greeley, who...

Vote Looms on Height Increases
MAYOR DE BLASIO'S HEIGHT INCREASES WON'T IMPROVE QUALITY OR AFFORDABILITY* Yet, there is talk of a "deal" on sweeping citywide zoning changes Zoning for Quality and Affordability (ZQA) and Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) and reports that the City Council could...

Upcoming Book Talk: Affordable Housing in New York
Affordable Housing in New York: The People, Places, and Policies That Transformed a City Book Talk with Nicholas Dagen Bloom & Matthew Gordon Lasner -- Tuesday, March 15, 2016 6:30 to 8:00 PM Macaulay Honors College, 35 West 67th Street -- $10 for LW! members...

Neighborhood Paper CHELSEA NOW has a new article on the LPC Backlog and it quotes our partners at the Historic Districts Council and our very own President, Kate Wood. The bulk of the article addresses the potential for designating the IRT Powerhouse: Preservationists...

Walking Tour: John Tauranac, “From Dakota to Montana”
--- Please join LANDMARK WEST! and Architectural Historian John Tauranac as we explore the architecture of the Upper West Side --- "From Dakota to Montana" --- Approved for 3 hours of Real Estate Continuing Education Credit** Very limited spots available! --- When:...

A Surreal Day at the Landmarks Commission
Toto, I don't think we're DE-CALENDARED anymore... The best news first... After an unprecedented day-long series of votes, during which the public could only sit in silent witness, the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission announced that 30 historic sites across New...

LW! letter to AMNH
Below is the letter sent from LANDMARK WEST! to the American Museum of Natural History regarding the latest stage of their expansion/renovation project. Please contact LANDMARK WEST! by emailing with any questions. February 19, 2016 Ms....

Chinese New Year Caption Contest – FINALISTS!
HAPPY YEAR OF THE MONKEY! We requested your captions and you delivered! See the top 10 11 finalists below and email us your favorite! (NOTE, author identities obscured for privacy) 1.) Why is the middle monkey the only one with a belly button? None of your...

New York is a dynamic metropolis…it isn’t a giant Etch A Sketch
New York Times Architecture Critic Michael Kimmelman makes a timely case for NEXT TUESDAY'S BACKLOG HEARING at the LPC (1 Centre Street, 9th FL, N). In today's column, linked HERE, Kimmelman notes the pressures which pushed the backlog into effect in the first place....

Love your Landmark? Show it!
What Landmark do you love the most this Valentines Day? Show everyone how much you love your Landmark! Download the POSTER, and take a picture! Use #LoveYourLandmark to share it on Social Media!