
More protections for Morningside Heights!
At LANDMARK WEST! our Community District ends at 110th street but we have always felt that as part of the greater (Greatest!) City, issues faced on the Upper West Side can become issues to other NYC communities and vice versa. This is why it is always important to...

116 Years of History Comes Down to June 2nd
More than 100 New Yorkers held a candlelight vigil in front of the former First Church of Christ, Scientist at 96th Street and Central Park West to bring awareness to threats facing this Individual Landmark designed by Carrère and Hastings, the same architects who...

Sacred Sites Open House on the Upper West Side
Be a “tourist in your own town” and discover the incredible art, architecture, and history found in sacred spaces right in your own backyard! On Saturday and Sunday May 21st and 22nd (this weekend!), the New York Landmarks Conservancy will host its sixth annual...

A Tour to Benefit LANDMARK WEST!
Community Groups Unite to Take Back New York!
It's time to end pay-to-play real estate deals. -- From the steps of City Hall, a coalition of community groups from across New York City demanded an end to the "pay to play" relationships between real estate developers, lobbyists and City and State government. ...
Condo Plans Cited Among Possible “Pay to Play” Deals
"The fix is in," LW! President Kate Wood told reporters at a May 4, 2016, press conference on the steps of City Hall. Here are some facts about two Upper West Side condo projects that point to the urgent need for federal investigation of possible "pay to play"...

How to help 361 Central Park West
A long series of hearings at the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) will come to a close on June 2 when the Commissioners are expected to make a final decision regarding the future of the Carrere and Hastings individual landmark at 96th Street and Central Park West....

City Hall Press Conference
Mayor de Blasio, Our City Is Not For Sale! "Business as usual" is transforming New York City as we know it. Every neighborhood, every block has its own story of political quid pro quos that have resulted in out-of-scale, out-of-character development from which...
Congregation Shearith Israel – A Victory!
Congregation Shearith Israel (CSI) is a powerful Upper West Side religious institution attempting to exploit the City’s zoning variance process to construct luxury condominiums as part of a new building that exceeds area height limit by nearly 100%—in a...

Neigh a word said…until today?
In an article that a commenter noted "should take him [Mayor Bill deBlasio] off his high horse", today's Wall Street Journal posts Effort to Ban Carriage Horses Probed which outlines some of the investigations into the money trail funding the Mayor's election efforts....