
Celebrating our Victories!
On Wednesday, June 22, about 100 friends took a moment to celebrate all we have accomplished together. The truth is, we don't do it often enough. Usually, we’re too busy moving swiftly on to the next battle. Because in preservation, it's never over. In fact, the...

Damaging State Bill ON HOLD
A WEEK AGO WE ALERTED YOU TO YET ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE BILL - THIS ONE IS ON HOLD, FOR NOW Today marks the end of Albany's 2016 legislative session. Thanks to YOU, enough concerns and questions were raised to convince state legislators to re-examine SENATE Bill 5496...

Landmark Changes in the Dark
Landmark Changes in the Dark -- Daily News: Opinion, Voice of the People (June 13, 2016) Prof. Jeffrey Kroessler, John Jay College of Criminal Justice LANDMARK WEST! Board Member -- On June 8, the City Council passed by a large majority Intro 775-A, a bill that will...
Intro. 775-A: It’s a Done Deal!
GOVERNMENT IN THE DARK! We can't make this stuff up. - In a surprise move, City Council fast-tracked its vote on Intro. 775-A, the developer-driven bill to change the NYC Landmarks Law and make it harder than ever to protect the places that matter most to New Yorkers....

Damaging State Bill Threatens Our Neighborhoods
UPDATE! NYC FAR Legislation Is Off The Table (for now...stay tuned) Click here for a press release _fddf SOME MEMBERS OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE ARE WORKING TO PASS THE BIGGEST CHANGE TO ZONING IN 55 YEARS. A bill to amend the Multiple Dwelling Law by removing the...

Kudos from the New York Times
There has been a lot of coverage of last Thursday's victory for New Yorkers at the Board of Standards and Appeals where the commissioners voted 3-1 to deny the requested variances. Today's online edition, (and tomorrow's print edition) pick up on the significance of...
Opposing Intro. 775-A: Joint Letter from HDC, MAS, GVSHP, LW! & FUESHD submitted to the New York City Council
June 3, 2016 Re: Opposing Amended Intro. 775-A Scheduled for Land Use Vote June 7, Stated Council Vote June 9 Dear Council Member: We strongly urge you to vote against Intro. 775-A at the City Council Stated Meeting on Thursday, June 9. As written, the bill...

June 6, 11am: City Hall Rally to Defend the Landmarks Law!
Please join us for a Rally to Defend the NYC Landmarks Law Monday, June 6, 11:00 am City Hall Steps Opposing Intro. 775-A, the Developer-Driven City Council Bill that Threatens Landmarks-in-Waiting, Makes Existing Problems with the Designation Process Worse ...
Press Coverage of the Big Win for 361 Central Park West
The press is already abuzz about the NYC Board of Standards & Appeals' vote to DENY the developers' application for zoning variances at 361 Central Park West, the former First Church of Christ, Scientist! Both the WEST SIDE RAG and NEW YORK YIMBY are featuring...

VICTORY for 361!
VICTORY! Developers' Speculative Development Project DENIED; New Hope for Landmark Church Today, the NYC Board of Standards & Appeals (BSA) did the right thing and voted to DENY the application for zoning variances threatening the former First Church of Christ,...