
Community Board 7 Addresses Tall Towers on UWS
POSTPONED DUE TO OVERWHELMING PUBLIC INTEREST! Please stay tuned - the meeting will be rescheduled and held in a larger venue. On Wednesday, January 18, starting at 7pm in the CB7 office at 250 West 87th Street, Community Board 7 will once again take up the issue of...
Zoning Variance Agency Under Scrutiny
New legislation aims to regulate the Board of Standards and Appeals By Madeleine Thompson, West Side Spirit and Our Town Read LW's 12/14/16 testimony before the NY City Council's Committee on Governmental Operations Email City Council members sponsoring this...

Shop LW’s Bookshelf for Great Gift Ideas
Still shopping? Give your friends and family the gift of escape into the pages of a good book from the LANDMARK WEST! Bookshelf. Enjoy special "members-only" pricing on titles exploring architecture, design, history, photography, film and - everyone's favorite - food!...

IRT Powerhouse Remains in Landmarks Limbo
Well, Virginia... It's still a tough world out there. After 37 years on the Landmarks Preservation Commission's designation calendar, we hoped we'd be saying "Auld Lang Syne to landmarks limbo" for the former IRT Powerhouse (McKim, Mead & White,...

Yes, Virginia…
Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. ~ Virginia O'Hanlon (age 8), September 21, 1897 Virginia, sometimes we're not so sure either. But New Yorkers could use some good news, so here goes... Dear Santa: It's a tough world out here. 2016...

LPC Hears Morningside Heights Historic District
After more than two decades of hard work, the LPC heard testimony on Tuesday for a much-anticipated Morningside Heights Historic District. Representatives from Jerrold Nadler's, and Daniel O'Donnell's offices spoke in favor of designation, as did Basha Gerhards on...

Church on Park Debating Plans for Demolition
Don’t panic! This article from The New York Times is from May 1982…nearly 35 years ago. Today, the majestic structure of the (now) First Church of Christ, Scientist[1] is a landmark protected as part of the Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District...

Nixed Again! CSI covered by West Side Spirit
Olivia Kelley recounts the latest trials for Congregation Shearith Israel's long-toothed proposal to build five stories of condos atop their new community house. In Shearith Israel Project Nixed Again (linked), Kelley hones in on key points that LANDMARK WEST! has...

CENTRAL dARK Statement
DOWNLOAD the new printable CENTRAL dARK flyer HERE Will Central Park Become CENTRAL dARK? A supertall tower could rise on West 66th Street casting shadows on residential blocks, landmark designated buildings, and Central Park. Leading this assault on our public assets...

Governor Cuomo: Tell MTA to MIND THE CAP!
AVOID DELAYS! Contact Governor Cuomo Today! Last week, the MTA announced their plan to raise fares in 2017 to $3 a swipe. They'd like to raise height limits on their real estate, too! A provision hidden in this year's New York State budget allows...