
Tribeca Clocktower at Appellate Court
On February 23rd, Attorney Michael Hiller of Hiller, PC argued against the City and Developer on behalf of the Landmark clocktower at 346 Broadway that was designated an Interior Landmark in 1987. The moment, captured here by sketch artist Christine Cornell depicts...
Congregation Shearith Israel Vote Scheduled
CONGREGATION SHEARITH ISRAEL'S W. 70TH STREET LUXURY CONDOS VOTE SCHEDULED! Tuesday, February 28, starting at 10:00am 22 Reade Street After last month's frustrating public hearing at the NYC Board of Standards & Appeals (BSA), the writing may be on the wall. ...

Tibetan Architecture Talk Friday at Columbia
Architect and Landmark West! volunteer Maggie Hui is sharing her PhD research on Eastern Tibetan Vernacular Architecture this Friday at Columbia. All are welcome! Free and open to the public. Friday, February 17, 6:30-8:30pm From House Space to Monastic Settlement at...

UWS Brownstone Co-Stars in “Law & Order” 400th Episode
A local UWS brownstone co-starred in the landmark 400th episode of "Law & Order: SVU" alongside Mariska Hargitay, who also stepped behind the camera to direct. Reported the UWS homeowner (and LW! supporter): "From the location team to the set up crew, from the set...

LW Student Detectives Hit the Streets
Spotted: Student "Preservation Detectives" hit the pavement across the Upper West Side in search of history...and discover a whole new world! Deanna Kory's Corcoran Spring 2017 newsletter features LW's "Keeping the Past for the Future" dual-language Spanish/English...

News to the Mayor-Homelessness is an issue!
On the heels of Politico's report on the new record death statistics from 2016, far surpassing recent years, the DAILY NEWS has an exclusive report on Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen and her misaligned priorities in handling the homelessness crisis. Considered at its...

Another chapter in “Wreck Side Story”
Karma Comes to Call In 2013, LW! alerted you to a Daily News article on the "Wreck Side story" rowhouse at 118 West 76th Street, a landmark sadly ignored and abandoned for years.* Well, negligent property owner Diane Haslett-Rudiano (who finally sold the rowhouse in...

Rose Reading Room Protected!
PROTECTED! On Tuesday, August 8th, the LPC designated the Rose Main Reading Room, and the Catalog Room, now known as the Bill Blass Public Catalog Room on the third floor of the Beaux-Arts Individual Landmark New York Public Library. Read more coverage of this...

MAKING MUSIC Event for 711 West End Avenue!
TAG, the Tenants' Action Group of 711 West End Avenue is presenting a special concert to focus community attention to the imminent threat to 711 WEA Tenants' safety with the proposed building of ten stories of high-priced condos on top, around and under their modest,...
Deja Vu All Over Again
CONGREGATION SHEARITH ISRAEL'S W. 70TH STREET LUXURY CONDOS DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN... Back in 2003, the late Peter Jennings (a West 70th Street neighbor) wrote: The synagogue gives the impression of having worked to bypass the neighbors, to have its way whatever the...