
LW! Testifying in Support of the Designation of the Central Harlem West – 130th-132nd Street Historic District
Tomorrow, LANDMARK WEST! will be speaking at the Landmarks Preservation Commission to offer our support in favor of the proposed designation of the Central Harlem West - 130th-132nd Street Historic District. We will be adding our voices to those of our friends at Save...

UWS JANE’S WALK – Saturday May 5th, 11am
FREE UWS Jane's Walk! RSVP via Municipal Art Society Website. The East River Fifties Alliance’s (“ERFA”) Lisa Mercurio joins Save Central Park NYC to explore megatowers in development and invading our skyline. Casting shadows on residential blocks,...

No Shortage of Threats to Upper West Side
Three new webpages to stay on top of your issues! A series of developments continue to loom on the Upper West Side--so many that it's getting difficult to keep track! To streamline information, please note 3 newly dedicated LW! pages--click below the banner of each to...

Funding 50 West 66th Street
The Real Deal reports that financing for Extell Development's proposed 50 West 66th Street will be coming from Meridian Capital Limited, a Kazakhstani-owned, Bermuda-based, London and Hong Kong operated funding source. How global! The article continues, with input...

The Alienist on W. 72nd Street
A recent blog post by the Daytonian in Manhattan, reveals that a prominent "alienist" -an early criminal psychologist -practiced out of 143 West 72nd Street. After playboy millionaire Harry K. Thaw murdered starchitect Stanford White (Come learn more at LW's May 8th...

The People Take A Stand
A Day of Public Outcry at the Landmarks Preservation Commission The community was out in full force yesterday at the hearing on proposed changes to the Landmarks Law. The Landmarks Preservation Commission’s hearing room was packed beyond capacity, with many forced to...

LW! BSA Testimony 03-27-2018
Read LANDMARK WEST!'s full testimony (linked) before the BSA from their March 27th Hearing. Their next hearing is scheduled for June 5, 2018. To see the proceedings from this day, watch the YouTube recording (linked). See you on June 5th!

Don’t Rule Us Out
Don't Rule Out the Power of the Public In advance of the LPC's proposal to revise their rules--up for hearing tomorrow--we wish to share our our full testimony with you, our neighbors. We will additionally be submitting to the Commission a detailed,...

3 Major Preservation Issues Need Your Action ASAP
We Need YOU! Your Neighborhood Needs YOU! Action is Needed on 3 Major Preservation Issues: NY State legislators want to raise the FAR Cap meaning even denser developments. After years of attempts, this time it's written into the State Budget draft. The Landmarks...

CC Speaker Johnson against LPC Rules Changes
Echoing the position of LANDMARK WEST! and several colleague organizations, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson announced his opposition to the proposed LPC Rules changes that LANDMARK WEST! informed you about. In his letter to Chair Srinivasan, (Full text linked)...