
How Green is My City
By Claudie Benjamin Having abundant green personal space along with a view on the UWS has long come at a price. But, yes, it does promise to make daily life better. QG Floral and Landscape’s call-waiting message puts green/grass desirability this way: “Even if you...

Lost Sky
By Claudie Benjamin When Jill Gill talks about her past 70 years as an artist and urban observer, she says she sees both the past and present at the same time. Among the most startling differences reflected when comparing her more than a hundred street scenes with the...

White Hats and FDNY: Joint Responders to Manhole Fires
By Claudie Benjamin July 13, 2017: Alex Elting, then living on the Upper West Side, caught a dramatic moment on his cell when he videotaped the billows of black smoke and flames rising from a manhole fire at Sherman Square at 71st Street just about 100' ft. from where...

Loving Aqua: Difficult and Rewarding
By Claudie Benjamin Aqua fitness training goes by many names. But, the bottom line is that whether you are very fit or adapting to living with a brand new knee, Aqua can only make you stronger and more confident in both how you look and feel, according to Anne Peyton...

City of Yes for Housing Opportunity at the City Planning Commission
By Megan Fitzpatrick After 15 hours (yes, you heard that right) of public comments, Commissioners' pushback, and lively debate, the City Planning Commission's City of Yes for Housing Opportunity (COYHO) public hearing came to a close on July 10th, 2024. Opponents of...

Coronado’s Granite Jewelry
By Claudie Benjamin Nodding to the past and embracing innovation is a recurring theme guiding architects of post-war buildings on the Upper West Side. There have been detours, some more successful than others. A few plain-faced white buildings introduced in the 80s...

Proactive Eco-Attitude
By Claudie Benjamin We’ve all become more aware of the vulnerability of our environment, even young children are being taught about the adverse health effects of air pollution. The importance of sustainability, avoiding wasting precious natural resources, minimizing...

FDNY Social Media
By Claudie Benjamin There’s a videographer Joseph John Ramos, with the handle @THEMAJESTIRIUM1, whose posts, many videotaped on the Upper West Side, capture NYC firefighters in action as they race to fires. Without words, the posts honor the commitment of the men...

City of Yes could eliminate public spaces
By Megan Fitzpatrick The City Planning Commission (CPC) is still deliberating on their upcoming vote on the massive almost 1,400 pages of zoning text titled City of Yes for Housing Opportunity (COYHO). The City's residents, however, are not sold on the zoning proposal...

The Look: Boldly Classy or Drably Anonymous
By Claudie Benjamin For decades, the weather-resistant trench coat has been worn rain or shine in the U.S., Britain, and other parts of the world. Australian Elle recently advised, “Fact: a great pair of jeans and a timeless trench coat will forever be staples of our...