
Building Sites with LGBT Connections
By Claudie Benjamin They had all been students at Columbia University’s historic preservation program. And, today Jay Shockley, Ken Lustbader, Andrew Dolkart, and Amanda Davis are all notables in the field of historic preservation scholarship. As founders in 2015 of...

Bringing Imaginative LGBT Books to Press
By Claudie Benjamin Put on your to-read list FRIGHTEN THE HORSES by Oliver Radclyffe, to be published by Roxane Gay Books/Grove Atlantic sometime next year. Oliver’s agent Malaga Baldi counts this memoir among the finest, most exciting, perceptive books she’s helped...

The Endurance of West Park Presbyterian
PEW! That was one long hearing! Following an updated presentation by the Presbytery and their team of Consultants, which responded to prior commissioner inquiries, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) shelved much of their scheduled agenda and even skipped...

Power of LGBT Representation
By Claudie Benjamin Among the best-known Muppets on Sesame Street were Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, Ernie, Bert, Cookie Monster, Grover, and Elmo. From when she was a very young girl, Amanda Davis loved the world of Jim Henson and his company. “Jim Henson was my hero,”...

Casual Sex, Community, Entertainment and LGBT Activism
By Claudie Benjamin Historic preservationist Ken Lustbader is known as “a pop culture maverick” among his fellow colleagues leading the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project. Why? Because among them, an essential area of his expertise is the city’s LGBT cultural and social...

West Harlem Preservation Conference
“Harlem and the Future 2: Preserving Culture & Sustaining Historic Character in a Changing Environment” will discuss the current state of housing, neighborhood character, cultural identity, and houses of worship in a changing environment of city policies,...

13-A: Birth of the Lesbian Herstory Archives
By Claudie Benjamin Deb Edel co-founder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives, is excited that 215 West 92nd Street recently hosted a centennial celebration for residents and former residents. Deb’s connection with the building is not only that she lived there for a period...

New York City’s Pizza
By Claudie Benjamin If you go to Little Italy Pizza at 2476 Broadway on 92nd Street, you’ll see a big photo of a very small boy eating a slice. That would be Delano, son of the owner Tommy Guerselli. Delano's great-grandmother, on his mother’s side, was Rose. She came...

A Dry Cleaner to Travel For
By Claudie Benjamin Do huge rescues of stained clothing happen? This question truly translates as, can stains be removed without leaving a trace? Responding to this question, Brian, owner of New Ansonia Cleaning, said, “There is no dry cleaner who can guarantee all...

Charlotte’s Red Velvet
By Claudie Benjamin “A little bit of Europe on the Upper West Side” is the way Vinz Z. and Aida, his wife, think of Charlotte, their cafe that’s located at 95th Street & Broadway. The couple has two sons, and their baby daughter will be born soon. Between the...