Making headlines :: Recent e-press on our Kickstarter campaign
While we're spreading the word far and wide about our Kickstarter online fundraising campaign, these online news agents and blogs are doing the same! Click on the images below to access their write-ups about our project:
UPDATE :: WEEK TWO of Kickstarter clears the $1K hurdle
The Office Maracas are going wild!!! At DAY EIGHT of the Kickstarter campaign to fund the West Side's first ever iPhone walking tour app, we've raised $1,120 in pledges. That's 37% of our $3,000 goal. And it's not even 10AM! We couldn't have...
UPDATE :: Kickstarter iPhone app campaign WEEK ONE recap
Day Four (and Week One!) comes to a close with our project 28% of the way towards its goal of $3,000! With two write-ups in local press (DNA Info and the West Side Spirit), that number will only continue to grow!Three new backers have added their names to the...
UPDATE :: DAY THREE of Kickstarter iPhone app campaign
We've asked (and blogged, and Tweeted, and emailed, and Facebook posted [and then repeat!]), and you've answered! We're three days into our 35-day long Kickstarter online funding campaign, and our iPhone app is $735 (25% funded!) closer to becoming a reality! ...
UPDATE :: DAY TWO of Kickstarter campaign, 21% of goal met!
MarcellaDavid PattersonRonnie EldridgeMadelon HambroSarah Olinsky MaitlandYou all get gold stars next to your names in LW's proverbial book! Thank you to the individuals named above who today pledged their support to our Kickstarter iPhone walking tour app...

UPDATE :: DAY ONE of Kickstarter campaign, a recap
Mark it on your calendar! Today, LANDMARK WEST! kick started the fundraising of a history-making project: the development of the FIRST EVER iPhone walking tour app of NYC's Upper West Side. And, conveniently, we teamed with the revolutionary website...

It Happened On East 6th Street …
... IT CAN HAPPEN ANYWHERE!In her August 4, 2010, NY Times article, “Mr. Landlord, Tear Down That Penthouse”, Cara Buckley reports on the BSA-mandated demolition of additional stories constructed at 514-516 East 6th Street. As Ms. Buckley explains, the Board of...
Sunday Sweets!
Who doesn't love a good brownie? Especially when it represents an opportunity to support a neighborhood landmark.* This Sunday, August 8, 2:00 PM, West-Park Presbyterian Church congregation will hold a bake sale in front of...
Preservation in action :: LW! testifies at design review public hearing
UPDATE FROM THE FIELDAs reported by Mei Tuggle, LW! intern and NYU student Yesterday, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) reviewed 150 West 77th Street’s application to construct a rear yard addition and to alter its basement entrance. LANDMARK WEST!’s...
Community Board verdict on Riverside South
In a session that continued on into the wee hours last night, Community Board 7 adopted a resolution calling on developer Extell to modify its proposal to build "Riverside Center," the last piece of the Riverside South megadevelopment. What does CB7 urge be...