462 Columbus Avenue Thomson, Theodore E. | Aluminum Sheathing | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Columbus Avenue | Undetermined | Store | 462 Columbus Avenue 462 Columbus Avenue A 462 Columbus Avenue 462 Columbus Avenue Date: 1891, 1982 Type: Store Architect: Thomson, Theodore E. NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark Designation Report: Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic...
148 West 72nd Street Birge, Charles E. | BrickStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue and West 72nd Street | Neo-Renaissance | StoreStudio Building | 148 West 72nd Street 148 West 72nd Street 148W72_detailSM 148 West 72nd Street Date: 1910-11 NB Number: 80-1910 Type: Store and Studio Building Architect: Birge, Charles E. Developer/Owner/Builder: F.A. Elliot NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark...
153-155 West 72nd Street Springsteen & Goldhammer | BrickStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue and West 72nd Street | Neo-RenaissanceNeo-Romanesque | LoftStore | 153-155 West 72nd Street 155W72_overallSM 155W72_detailSM 155_W72a 153-155 West 72nd Street 153-155 West 72nd Street Date: 1922-23 NB Number: 503-1922 Type: Loft and Store Architect: Springsteen & Goldhammer Developer/Owner/Builder: Harry Alperstein NYC...
248-254 Columbus Avenue (100 West 72nd Street) McKim, Mead & White | BrickLimestoneTerra Cotta | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Columbus Avenue and West 72nd Street | Renaissance Revival | Store | 248-254 Columbus Avenue (100 West 72nd Street) 100W72_detail2SM 100W72_detailSM 100W72_overallSM Full page photo Park Tilford_100W72_Current building_Swatch 100 West 72 Hist. A 100 West 72nd Street Hist. F 100 West 72nd Street Hist. E 100 West 72nd Street Hist. D 100...