Burne, John C. | Brownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Central Park West and Columbus Avenue and West 75th Street | Queen AnneRenaissance Revival | Rowhouse | 20 West 75th Street 20 West 75th Street A_web 20 West 75th Street, Historic 20 West 75th Street Date: 1889-90 NB Number: NB 1841-1889 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Burne, John C. Developer/Owner/Builder: Frederick Aldhous NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District...
Schellenger, Gilbert A. | Brownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Central Park West and Columbus Avenue and West 75th Street | Renaissance Revival | Rowhouse | 12 West 75th Street 12 West 75th Street A_web 12 West 75th Street Historic 12 West 75th Street Date: 1891-92 NB Number: NB 1897-1890 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Schellenger, Gilbert A. Developer/Owner/Builder: William E. Diller NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic...
Walgrove, George M. | Brownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Central Park West | Renaissance Revival | Rowhouse | 9 West 75th Street 9 West 75 A 9 West 75 B 9 West 75 C 9 West 75 D 9 West 75th Street Date: 1893-94 NB Number: NB 1009-1893 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Walgrove, George M. Developer/Owner/Builder: John C. Umberfield NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District...
Walgrove, George M. | Brownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Central Park West and Columbus Avenue and West 75th Street | Renaissance Revival | Rowhouse | 5 West 75th Street 5 W 75 A 5 W 75 B 5 W 75 C 5 West 75th Street Date: 1893-94 NB Number: NB 1009-1893 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Walgrove, George M. Developer/Owner/Builder: John C. Umberfield NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark Designation...
Walgrove, George M. | Brownstone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Central Park West and Columbus Avenue and West 75th Street | Renaissance Revival | Rowhouse | 3 West 75th Street 3 W 75 A 3 W 75 B 3 West 75th Street Date: 1893-94 NB Number: NB 1009-1893 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Walgrove, George M. Developer/Owner/Builder: John C. Umberfield NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District Landmark Designation...