Bohlin Cywinski Jackson | West 67th Street | Educational Structure | 135 West 67th Street 135 West 67th Street Date: 1978 NB Number: 466-1990* Type: Educational Structure Architect: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Developer/Owner/Builder: Hebrew Arts School MSCDNC NYC Landmarks Designation: Not Landmarked Landmark Designation Report: n/a...
Candela, Rosario | West 77th Street | Educational Structure | 149 West 77th Street 149 West 77th Street Date: 1954 NB Number: 245-1990 Type: Educational Structure Architect: Candela, Rosario Developer/Owner/Builder: NYC Department of Education NYC Landmarks Designation: Not Landmarked Landmark Designation Report: n/a National...
Arthur G. Paletta | Columbus Avenue and West 84th Street | Educational Structure | 100 West 84th Street AKA 480-496 Columbus Avenue AKA Sarah Anderson School, 110 West 83rd Street, 101-125 West 83rd Street, 100-130 West 83rd Street, 482 Columbus Ave., 490-494 Columbus Ave. 100 W. 84 (a) 100 W. 84 (h) 100 W. 84 (g) 100 W. 84 (f) 100 W. 84 (e) 100 W....
Michael L. Radaslovich | Amsterdam Avenue | Educational Structure | 501 Amsterdam Avenue 501 Amsterdam Avenue Date: 1965 NB Number: 451-94 Type: Educational Structure Architect: Michael L. Radaslovich Developer/Owner/Builder: New York Department of Education NYC Landmarks Designation: Not Landmarked Landmark Designation Report: n/a...
Bloch & Hesse | West 85th Street | Educational Structure | 150 West 85th Street 150 West 86th Street Date: 1927 NB Number: 280-1926 Type: Educational Structure Architect: Bloch & Hesse Developer/Owner/Builder: United Order of True Sisters, Inc. NYC Landmarks Designation: Not Landmarked Landmark Designation Report: n/a...
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