140 West 69th Street, aka 2016-2018 Broadway (The Spencer Arms)
Mulliken & Moeller | BrickIronworkPressed MetalStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Beaux-Arts | Apartment Building | 140 West 69th Street aka 2016-2018 Broadway (The Spencer Arms) 2016-2018 Broadway A 2016-2018 Broadway B 2016-2018 Broadway C 2016-2018 Broadway D 2016-2018 Broadway E 2016-2018 Broadway F 140 West 69th Street aka 2016-2018 Broadway Date: 1904-05 NB Number: 857-1904...
106 West 69th Street
Schwartz & Gross | BrickLimestoneTerra Cotta | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and Columbus Avenue and West 69th Street | Neo-Renaissance | Apartment Building | 106 West 69th Street 106 West 69th Street A 106 West 69th Street B 106 West 69th Street C 106 West 69th Street Date: 1912-13 NB Number: 609-1912 Type: Apartment Building Architect: Schwartz & Gross Developer/Owner/Builder: Westport Construction Co. NYC...
23 West 74th Street
Cole, H.M. | Brick | Central Park West - West 73rd-74th Streets HDUpper West Side - Central Park West HD | Central Park West and Columbus Avenue and West 74th Street | Moderne | Apartment BuildingRowhouse | 23 West 74th Street 23 West 74th Street B 23 West 74th Street 23 West 74th Street Date: 1957 NB Number: Alt 982-1957 Type: Apartment Building and Rowhouse Architect: Cole, H.M. Developer/Owner/Builder: Michele Porco NYC Landmarks Designation: Historic District...