Scientist Faces off with Noise Pollution at Home and Cancer in the Memorial Sloan Kettering Labs
By Claudie Benjamin Bench to bedside, the more informal term for translational medicine as applied to cancer research, is scientist Kety Huberman’s expertise. “It’s the area in which research comes closest to patient care” said Huberman. It...
Literary Imagination of Longtime UWSer Celebrated by B&N in its 1st Live-Taped Podcast
By Claudie Benjamin Writer Ed Park will be interviewed about his new book Same Bed Different Dreams, for a live taped podcast next Thursday, November 9th at 7:00pm at the Upper West Side Barnes and Noble at 2289 Broadway. Park’s work has been...
Skateboarding Cool & the Shop
By Claudie Benjamin Nothing quite like the thrill of building up speed, flipping high in the air and then landing balanced surely on your skateboard as you skate on. Christopher Vidal, a long-time skateboarder and more recent skateboard entrepreneur said,...