Advocacy, Landmark West, Landmarks Law, Landmarks Preservation Commission, LPC, preservation
Put Your Preservation Hats Back On! Meenakshi Srinivasan, Chair of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, announced today that she will step down in the face of significant opposition to proposed changes to the LPC Rules. Since her appointment by Mayor de Blasio four...
Advocacy, Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Law, Landmarks Preservation Commission
LANDMARK WEST! along with the the Brooklyn Heights Association, The City Club of New York, Friends of the Upper East Side Historic Districts, Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, Historic Districts Council, The Municipal Art Society of New York, The...
Designation, Historic District, Landmarks Preservation Commission, LPC, Manhattan, New York City, NYC, preservation
The Central Harlem West 130th-132nd Street Historic District Has Its Public Hearing LANDMARK WEST! joined our neighbors from Harlem today to rally for the designation of the Central Harlem West 130th-132nd Street Historic District. Our statement, which can be read...
Historic District, Landmarks Preservation Commission, New York City, NYC, preservation, Testimony
Tomorrow, LANDMARK WEST! will be speaking at the Landmarks Preservation Commission to offer our support in favor of the proposed designation of the Central Harlem West – 130th-132nd Street Historic District. We will be adding our voices to those of our...