Landmarks Preservation Commission
Save Chelsea sounds off about the next LPC Chair. Read Laurence Frommer’s five pager on the issue HERE. A sampling of the content includes: “We feel that…working relationship with private developers and their consultants may explain how the...
landmark, memorial, monuments, Uncategorized
On April 27, 1897, the 75th Anniversary of Ulysses S. Grant’s birth, Grant’s Tomb was dedicated. The occasion was a full public holiday, Grant Day, and attracted a throng of spectators to rival Grant’s funeral twelve years earlier. The dedication...
Landmarks at Risk, Landmarks Preservation Commission, LPC
There has been much speculation of who might take the place of Meenakshi Srinivasan who announced–somewhat suddenly–that June 1st would be her last day of public service. CRAINS featured an opinion piece by the president of the Real Estate Board of New...