First Baptist Church, twitter
Mid-morning errands produced a mini-collection of some Broadway gems. Have a look at our “I’m running to Staples for labels, be right back!” album:The Apthorp Apartments, between West 78th and 79th Streets. Known perhaps most readily...
Advocacy, City Council, Historic District, Riverside Drive, West End Avenue, West End Preservation Society
The Riverside-West End Historic District Extension I continues on the path to achieving bona fide landmark status! City Council has set a date for the public hearing (Wednesday, October 3 — more details here). Now they need to hear from YOU. This is...
guest blog, intern, WHSAD, Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design
LW! bids farewell to our two great high school interns, Jahmauny Monds and Jonathan Ortiz. Here, they offer us some departing words. We wish them all the best on this first day of school!Jahmauny writes …I loved my time here at LANDMARK WEST!. I enjoyed being...