Harris, Henry L. | IronworkStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | West 78th Street | Neo-Grec | Rowhouse | 147 West 78th Street 147 West 78th Street A 147 West 78th Street 147 West 78th Street Date: 1889-90 NB Number: NB 644-1889 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Harris, Henry L. Developer/Owner/Builder: Charles McDonald and P.M. Stewart Row Configuration: ABCABCAxBA NYC...
Harris, Henry L. | IronworkStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | West 78th Street | Neo-GrecRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 145 West 78th Street 145 W 78_A 145 W 78_B 145 W 78_C 145 West 78th Street 145 West 78th Street Date: 1889-90 NB Number: NB 644-1889 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Harris, Henry L. Developer/Owner/Builder: Charles McDonald and P.M. Stewart Row...
Harris, Henry L. | IronworkStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | West 78th Street | Neo-GrecRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 143 West 78th Street 143 West 78th Street A 143 West 78th Street 143 West 78th Street Date: 1889-90 NB Number: NB 644-1889 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Harris, Henry L. Developer/Owner/Builder: Charles McDonald and P.M. Stewart Row Configuration: ABCABCAxBA NYC...
Harris, Henry L. | IronworkStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | West 78th Street | Neo-GrecRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 141 West 78th Street 141 West 78th Street A 141 West 78th Street B 141 West 78th Street 141 West 78th Street Date: 1889-90 NB Number: NB 644-1889 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Harris, Henry L. Developer/Owner/Builder: Charles McDonald and P.M. Stewart Row...
Harris, Henry L. | IronworkStone | Upper West Side - Central Park West HD | West 78th Street | Neo-GrecRomanesque Revival | Rowhouse | 139 West 78th Street 139 West 78th Street A 139 West 78th Street B 139 West 78th Street 139 West 78th Street Date: 1889-90 NB Number: NB 644-1889 Type: Rowhouse Architect: Harris, Henry L. Developer/Owner/Builder: Charles McDonald and P.M. Stewart Row...
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