Render courtesy of MEGANOM
Current Status: Under Construction
262 Fifth Avenue Vital Stats
Address: 262 5th Avenue, New York, New York 1001 (Community Board 5)
Type: Residential
Name: 262 Fifth Avenue
Construction: Begun 2019; Complete by 2022
Design Architect: Meganom
Executive Architect: SLCE Architects
Developer: Five Points Development
Builder: CM & Associates Construction Management LLC
Height: 1,043 feet (305 meters); 60 stories
Total Construction Floor Area: 150,018 square feet; 12,929 square meters
Site Area: 9,994 square feet; 929 square meters
Density: 41 units
View Zoning Diagram HERE
Superlatives: First Supertall in NoMad
Loopholes Exploited:
Read through our blog below for more information on Supertalls.

Absurdity Continues: 50 W 66th Street at BSA Tomorrow
At its Executive Review Session on August 6th, the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) commented on Landmark West's Appeal (view it HERE), discussing whether or not the Zoning Text leads to ABSURD results - i.e. the 775-foot tower at 50 W. 66th Street. The hearing...

The Fight Against 50 W. 66th Continues Sept. 10th
On August 6th, the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) heard Landmark West's Appeal (view it HERE) regarding the legality of 36 West 66th Street (aka 50 West 66th Street) and how it does (but mainly, how it does not) comply with Zoning. The hearing continues on...

LOOKBACK: Building the Cardboard City of Tomorrow
In 1993, LANDMARK WEST! commissioned the Environmental Simulation Center at the New School to build a model of the Lincoln Square area. At a whopping 10' x 12' it was exhibited at the Apple Bank of Savings so that neighbors could come and see what was being proposed...
Contact Information
Sean Khorsandi
Executive Director
45 West 67th Street New York, NY 10023