Render courtesy of Foster+Partners via Bauhouse Group
Current Status: In Planning
247 Cherry Street Vital Stats
Address: 247 Cherry Street, New York, New York 10002 (Community Board 3)
Type: Residential
Name: 247 Cherry Street
Construction: Begun _; Complete by 2021
Design Architect: SHoP Architects
Executive Architect: _
Developer: JDS Development Group; Ackerman Development
Builder: _
Height: 1,013 feet (309 meters); 77 stories
Total Construction Floor Area: 637,000 square feet; 46,452 square meters
Site Area: ~9,000 square feet; ~836 square meters
Density: 639 units
There are no zoning documents currently available to the public for this development.
Loopholes Exploited:
Read through our blog below for more information on Supertalls.

Big Things Planned in 2021: We’re Going to Court for YOU
Coming through for you, and Standing TALL! Once Again YOU CAN COUNT on LANDMARK WEST! As promised, our Article 78 is now filed with the court. In our Article 78, the petitioner (in this case, LANDMARK WEST! i.e. YOU, the Community) is asking the NY State...

The Counting Continues — LW! to file Article 78
This post is brought to you by the numbers: 7, 8, 9 & 10! SPECIFICALLY, Landmark West's Article 78 & the filing clock that began 9 Mos. + 10 Days after the NYC Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) issued a 2-2 tie vote on LW's appeal against the 775-foot tall,...

The Count Goes On
As we all seek updates and hit refresh on vote counts, we are reminded of the importance of the democratic process and the faith we place in a system intentionally built with checks and balances. But what about when a governmental body purposefully impedes the...
Contact Information
Sean Khorsandi
Executive Director
45 West 67th Street New York, NY 10023