Render courtesy Studio Gang, Tishman Speyer Properties
Current Status: Complete
11 Hoyt Street Vital Stats
Address: 11 Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201 (Brooklyn Community Board 2)
Type: Mixed Residential and Commercial
Name: 11 Hoyt Street; Macy’s Redevelopment
Construction: Begun 2018; Completed 2020
Design Architect: Studio Gang
Executive Architect: Hill|West Architects
Developer: Tishman Speyer Properties
Builder: _
Height: 626 feet (190 meters); 57 stories
Total Construction Floor Area: 769,996 square feet; 71,535 square meters
Site Area: 61,925 square feet; 5,753 square meters
Density: 481 units
View Zoning Diagram HERE
Loopholes Exploited:
Read through our blog below for more information on Supertalls.

The Spirit: West Side Tower Cut Down to Size
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Contact Information
Sean Khorsandi
Executive Director
45 West 67th Street New York, NY 10023